2-Bit Multiplier


Create a two bit multiplier using the following features:

  • Two two bit binary number inputs
  • Visual indication of the product in binary using LEDS
  • Use as few gates as possible, minimizing cost
  • Determine logic expressions for P3, P2, P1, P0

Technical Requirements

  • Input for A0, A1, B0, and B1 uses a singular dip switch
  • Result is displayed through an LED for each bit (P3,P2,P1,P0)
  • Use 7400-Series logic chips


  • Translate a high-level description of a function to a Boolean logic truth table
  • Synthesize a digital circuit that represents the logic described in a truth table
  • Prototype and test logic circuits using 7400-series integrated circuits
  • Implementation of dip switches and use of pull-down resistors


  • Due to the Univeristy of Pittsburgh's academic integrity policy, I am unable to publicly provide detailed information on my design process, and final design of this project. If you are in need of any more clarification you can contact me here.