Create the game rock paper scissors with the following features:
- A mechanism for allowing two players to simultaneously represent their input selection
- Visual indication of the winner immediately after inputs are selected
- Visual indication of when one of the two players makes an invalid selection (i.e. an input
that does not
represent Rock,Paper or Scissors)
- Visual indication of a tie
Technical Requirements
- Two SPST momentary pushbuttons must be used to represent the first player’s input (A1,A0).
- Two SPST momentary pushbuttons must be used to represent the second player’s input (B1,B0)
- An LED must illuminate when the first player’s input selection beats the second player’s
selection (WA)
- An LED must illuminate when the second player’s input selection beats the first player’s
selection (WB)
- An LED (E) must be illuminate whenever either player selects an input other than Rock, Paper
or Scissors.
- Whenever the E LED is illuminated, the states of theWA andWB LEDs does not matter and can be
- The final device should operate off of an 5V DC power supply.
- Creating logic abstractions
- Minimization of sum of products using Karnaugh Maps
- Minimization of circuit cost by using the least amount of chips
- Implementation of designed circuit onto a breadboard using the supplies above
- Due to the Univeristy of Pittsburgh's academic integrity policy, I am unable to publicly provide detailed information on
my design process, and final design of this project. If you are in need of any more clarification you can contact me here.